Engagement with Three Dogs in Evergreen

Brittany & Jake

COUPLES — December 2022

When Brittany asked if we could include their dogs in her & Jake’s engagement photos, it was a resounding yes from me. She explained how they were more reserved as a couple but loved to spend time outdoors and take their dogs to the park.

Not only that, but Scout, their elderly chocolate lab, has been a part of their love story since puppyhood. It was such a sweet way to commemorate how far they’ve come together.

I had the best time seeing Brittany & Jake open up during their session. They became more and more comfortable as the time passed, most noticeably when we unleashed the dogs.

Everyone was in their element—especially Jarvis, Loki, & Scout, who spent the afternoon running through fields and eating cubes of cheese.

Here’s the rest of Brittany & Jake’s story.

“Jake & I originally met our freshman year of high school through mutual friends in 2010. He became part of my friend group of all girls at the time along with a few other guys.

After we graduated in 2014, Jake stopped into Baskin Robins where I was working at the time as he saw my car parked outside & came in to ask where I was going to school in the fall. I told him "Red Rocks" which he replied "Me too, when does your first flass start?" I told him, he said "Me too, last class end?" Again I told him... he said "Me too! Would you want to car pool?" I said yes, because riding in with a friend to a new place AND saving gas...Win!

After many days of car pooling, Jake asked if I wanted to go to the movies just the two of us which I was hesitant as I didn’t want to ruin our friendship. He eventually talked me into it, we went & had a blast. We went to another movie after that... same thing. Everything just felt so comfortable, fun & easy going. I could really be myself & he could really be himself.

So...I decided to take a chance & give into his attempts. We officially started dating October 28, 2014  & have been together ever since. It has not always been unicorns & rainbows but we have both always wanted to work through things, compromise & find ways in which we can both be happy & we always have.

August 2, 2022 Jake surprised me by taking me to Sarah O. to start the process of getting custom rings made. December 5, my rings made it home & he "officially" popped the question as you could say with my engagement ring. We both couldn't be happier & are happily basking in our engagement as we slowly get ready for a wedding in September of 2024.

We are both home bodies for the most part but love to go out to eat at our favorite restaurants in Littleton as well as try new ones around the Denver area, go to the occasional movie, spend time with our three dogs especially at Chatfield dog park & explore new places within Colorado as well as other parts of the country. One day we will start traveling outside of the country as well!”



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